22 Weeks!

Sill feeling great!!!  Surro babe got A LOT of attention in my Child Psychology class this week! One of my students was looking at my belly right when the baby did a big kick and she excitedly yelled that she could see the baby moving which got all my students super excited. So I went around the room and they each tried to feel him moving. Talk about hands on learning, right? 😉

My uterus is an ALLY


I heard about surrogacy when I was a teenager – ever since then I always knew it was something I would do when my own family was complete. Being a mom was so important to me – if I wouldn’t have been able to have children, I would have been devastated and I would have hoped someone would have been willing to help me.

I got my happily ever after and now I’m helping another family get theirs.

Did I set out wanting to carry for two dads?  Yes!!!!  When researching surrogacy, I came across many articles and blog posts from men who didn’t want to come out for fear that it would mean that they couldn’t be fathers.  It breaks my heart to think that anyone feels like they can’t be who they truly are.  I pictured if it was one of my sons, or nephews, or students –  I never want them to think that they can’t be true to themselves.  I want them to know that they can have the world and that who they choose to love has no bearing on that.

I LOVE that my kids are seeing that families come in all shapes and sizes.  And I love that they know that I support gay families.

Equality is something that is incredibly important to me.  I may not be able to change the world and make things fair and right for everyone, but I can give the world to this family, and change their life.  I feel so lucky and honored to be able to do so.

19 Weeks!

We had surro babe’s 5 month ultrasound today!  R is in town and not only did he get to see his little peanut on the ultrasound, but also got to feel him kicking and talk to him!  I feel so lucky to get to be a part of helping this family grow!  We are all so excited!  ❤️❤️❤️

IMG_9969 R and my kiddos during his visit.  

 Introducing R to the Mall of America.  😄

“Sympathy cravings” 😉 😍