First Injection – DONE!!!

I had my first monitoring appointment today and everything looked great!  So… I started my meds tonight.  We totally rocked my first injection!  Shane did a great job – it didn’t hurt at all!

Woohoo!  Things are moving right along!
Now we get to celebrate getting through the first injection:

           My favorite ice cream!

Transfer Date is Set!

Our first transfer is scheduled for December 14th!  WOOHOO!!!!!  We are super excited!  I’ve just completed 10 days of birth control pills (to quiet my ovaries so that we can manipulate my cycle for the transfer) and the rest of my meds arrived today!  I never imagined I’d ever be so excited to get a big box of meds with needles and syringes!

I go for my first monitoring appointment on Monday where they’ll do a blood draw to check hormone levels and do an ultrasound to make sure my uterine lining is nice and thin (that’s how they want it in the beginning).

If everything looks good at that appointment, then I’ll start my meds (prenatals, folate, DHA, baby aspirin, and estrogen in the form of a pill AND as an intramuscular injection 😳).

I’ll continue those meds and then go for two more monitoring appointments where they’ll do blood draws again to monitor hormone levels and ultrasounds to check that my uterine lining is getting nice and thick.  (A thick uterine lining = a cozy home for an embryo to snuggle into).

A few days before transfer we’ll add progesterone to my protocol in the form of suppositories and….yep, you guessed it, another intramuscular injection.

If I respond to the meds the way I’m supposed to, we will be on track to transfer on the 14th.  R will be there for the transfer – We are super excited to finally meet R in person!  (It’s E’s turn to stay home with their daughter).  So, Shane and I will fly to LA, we’ll get to hang out with R,  transfer one sweet little embryo into my uterine hotel, and then stay an additional day, so I can relax and give R and E’s little peanut a chance to settle on in.

That’s the plan!  Stay tuned for updates.  😄

Meds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Those bags are FULL of needles and syringes!)