Proud Surrogate

Ben, Ryan and Morrissey are all settled in back home in Australia. We are still close, texting and sending pictures and videos back and forth pretty much every day. My family and I love getting to be a part of their lives, even from across the globe! AND….they’ll be back here in Minnesota this fall for a visit! We can’t wait for some squishy baby cuddles!

This picture makes me feel all kinds of proud. Of course, proud of the insanely cute baby that I helped bring into the world, but also so incredibly proud for playing a part in the love, joy, and happiness that is so evident on Ben and Ryan’s faces! ❤️

Special Connection

Sorry, I’ve been a slacker blogger lately!!!

After Morrissey’s birth, my family and I were busy soaking up every second with Ben, Ryan, and sweet Morrissey before they returned home to Australia. We feel so fortunate to have been able to share in their first month as a family! Being with Ben and Ryan as they navigated their new role as dads was so special! Seeing their joy, their constant smiles, their immense happiness, and their all consuming love for their new son all while getting to enjoy endless cuddles with Mr. Morrissey was heaven (especially since we got to pass him back to his daddies when he was fussy or needed a diaper change 😂).

Surrogacy is pretty damn amazing. The connection and relationship that has formed between our two families is so special. I am so grateful that the fates aligned bringing us into each other’s lives!

Luna brought Ben, Ryan, and Morrissey for her show-and-tell at preschool! 😂❤️

Such a special moment, the conclusion of our parentage court date! It’s official, Mr. Morrissey, you’re stuck with these two forever! ❤️😄

Morrissey lucked out in the parent department, Ben and Ryan are amazing fathers!

As our sweet Aussie family headed home, our part of this incredible journey came to an end, while theirs, of course, has only just begun. We feel so honored to have gotten to share in Ben and Ryan’s first moments as dads and we’re so grateful for the amazing bond that’s formed between our two families. I know we will forever share a special connection! ❤️

Love Without Borders

Shane and I love that our surrogacy journeys have shown our kids that there’s a whole big world out there – they get to hear different accents and learn all about different parts of the world through this experience. And now we have life-long friends around the globe because of surrogacy. ❤️🌏

6 Months Already?!

I can’t believe we’re already 6 months! This pregnancy is flying by.

I am feeling great! Aussie Baby is constantly moving, dancing, and kicking. Looks like Ben and Ryan have one active little guy on their hands!

We recently had our fetal echo-cardiogram (because IVF babies have a slightly higher risk for heart abnormalities) and everything looked perfect.

The guys have been busy preparing for their little bub. Their house has been taken over by baby gear. LOL

We are all so excited! Just a few short months and they’ll be back here in Minnesota awaiting their little man’s arrival. We can’t wait! ❤️

Time’s Flying!

I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are flying by! I’m feeling great! Aussie Baby is constantly showing off his ninja moves and having late night dance parties. ❤️

And I’m still craving cheeseburgers and salami ALL THE TIME. I’m not a big meat eater so this is so crazy to me!

Ben and Ryan have been busy setting up the nursery and getting ready for baby. They are soooo excited!! It’s so amazing to get to share in that excitement with them!

Just 15 more weeks and they’ll be back here awaiting their little man’s arrival.

This Bump is not messing around! 😉 I show big and early with all my pregnancies but this seems even bigger and earlier than the others.🤰🏼